You should know how to find WordPress username and password in cPanel if your host supports cPanel. If you need to reset your password when you have lost access to the administrator mail, then this is useful to you.
When should you use cPanel or phpMyAdmin for password recovery?
As you know, WordPress does not send passwords even to the administrator email, so if you forget your password then you can reset it. Sometimes there are reports that an administrator email is not receiving the reset email password sent by WordPress due to the issues in the hosting provider. There are cases when an individual has no access to the administrator email of the site. In such a case, there is no possibility to reset a password from the same profile.
If there are multiple site admins, you can ask another admin of the site to reset your password. It can be easily done from Users>All Users when an admin is logged in to the site. But, this is not the case when you are the only admin of the site.
Since you cannot go for email password recovery as you have already lost access to the email. The only option left in such a case is to recover the password from cPanel, phpMyAdmin, functions.php file, or with the help of emergency password reset scripts.
How to find WordPress username and password in cPanel
First of all, you should confirm that you have cPanel access to your site. In such a case you can use cPanel to reset the password using phpMyAdmin.
Depending on the host, the services inside the cPanel are slightly different. If you have any confusion regarding these steps, you can always seek help from the support of the hosting provider.
Every WordPress site requires a MySQL database for the site to load the website components. The database also stores the password of each user of your site. These passwords are encrypted and you need admin privileges of the hosting account to view these passwords.
Now let’s move ahead to know how to find WordPress username and password in cPanel.
At first log in to your hosting environment and search for the cPanel. As we said earlier, the location of the cPanel may differ depending on the hosting provider you use.
Inside every cPanel, you will find a database section.

Inside the database, you will find phpMyAdmin, MySQL Databases, MySQL Database Wizard, and Remote MySQL.
You need to open phpMyAdmin to follow the steps ahead.

After opening phpMyAdmin, a list of databases will appear on the left.
If your site has domain and sub-domains, you will see multiple databases on the left column. You need to enter the database of the domain or sub-domain whose user passwords you are searching for.
What happens if you forget the database name?
Open the root folder where your WordPress files are installed from the File Manager. There you need to view the file wp-config.php. In the case of the sub-domain, you need to find wp-config.php inside the sub-folder of the sub-domain. The config file is separate for each domain and sub-domain.
Once you find the required file, you can find the database name, database user, and database password in the following format:
/** MySQL database name */ define( 'DB_NAME', 'your_database_name_is_present_here' ); /** MySQL database username */ define( 'DB_USER', 'your_database_username_is_present_here' ); /** MySQL database password */ define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'your_database_password_is_present_here' ); /** MySQL hostname */ define( 'DB_HOST', 'hostname_is_present_here' );
You need to note the database name as we require to check this database name inside phpMyAdmin.
Once you figure out the database name, open phpMyAdmin again and select the database name from the left.
How to reset WordPress password in database
Firstly, you need to know how to find WordPress username and password in cPanel. Then you can reset it.
After opening the database, search for wp_users in the left column.

Once you open it, you will be able to see all the users that have been assigned some role to your WordPress site.

There are various details like the user registration date, email, password, username, etc.
On the particular row, there is an edit option if you want to change the user details of a specific user. The password is case-sensitive so save the password for a safe purpose for future login to your dashboard. You can change the passwords of all the users of your site from this window.

Remember to select the MD5 option once the password becomes ready as it encrypts the password. Save these changes to apply this on your site.
If you don’t want to change the user details, you can simply copy the username and password from there.
How to reset WordPress password
Now you can login to your dashboard from the username and password that you noted or changed from the Cpanel. As a site administrator, it is a good practice to change your password after some period of time. Keeping the same password over a long period of time is not recommendable as the passwords can get vulnerable and cracked in a long period of time.
So, you need to know how to reset WordPress password.
Go to Users>Profile from the dashboard.

There you will see all the details for the current user. The details include name, email, display name, about, etc.
If you are an administrator of your site, and if you want to change the details of other users then Go to Users>All Users There you will see all the users of the site. Select the user whose detail needs to be changed. Then you can carry the appropriate action afterward.
Also, refer to this post:
How to change password in WordPress
Hopefully, now you know how to get WordPress username and password from database. If you know how to find WordPress username and password in cPanel, you will be able to reset WordPress password using phpMyAdmin.
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