Best Caching Plugins for WordPress

Using the best Caching Plugins for WordPress is one of the solutions to boost the speed of your website.

Concept of Caching

A cache is a collection of data to transfer from source to destination in an effective way. Whenever the information is needed, the data can be extracted from the temporary storage location. This helps the users to access the desired data in a quick frame of time.

The concept of caching is not only useful to load the website faster but also it helps to improve the website performance. If there are a lot of visitors at the same time on your site, then the website has to collect information from the database before it is sent to the browser. Due to the repeating of this process, the site may slow down.

In order to prevent this, the caching plugin stores a copy of your page when the side loads once. Then it shows the cached version to other users.   

Best Caching Plugins for WordPress

It loads lighter HTML script instead of PHP scripts. Google considers the site speed in its search algorithm for better rankings. You can go through this list below:

LiteSpeed Cache

LiteSpeed Cache

There is a wide range of optimization techniques and an opportunity for server-level caching when you install this plugin. It increases the speed and performance of the site and is compatible with popular plugins in WordPress. If you are a Yoast or WooCommerce, then LiteSpeed Cache supports your multisite.   

In addition, the API provides you to create cache varies and form a nonce cacheable WP. Furthermore, you can customize cache rules and enable smart purging to improve the performance score. The privacy settings let you add the blurb in the privacy policy of the site.

Besides caching, LiteSpeed transmits images through its server to optimize them. This server stores a copy of optimized images for a period of 7 days to counter network issues before deleting them permanently. The temporary cache files can be purged all before natural expiration if required.

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache

The features including CDN and other advanced practices reduce website load time by increasing the performance. As a result, the visitors tend to spend more time on the site to check multiple pages. Due to the minification of HTML, CSS, and JS, it saves the bandwidth.

Due to the fast rendering of the pages, they are optimized in good fashion. Different security features of the plugin assures the site safety. The performance of a specific feature is measurable from the statistics. In addition, you can use Lazy Load in order to defer offscreen images for a better experience.

WP Fastest Cache

WP Fastest Cache

The more the visitors, the more the usage of RAM and CPU. This in return renders the page slowly. As a result, you need to prevent the rendering of the page repeatedly. Thus, you need to generate and save a static Html file with a proper cache system. 

With an easy setup, the plugin makes sure that the users go through the static Html page. The cache plugins like WP Fastest Cache helps to improve the page load time which in return has a positive impact on the SEO rankings.

Furthermore, in the premium version, you can combine CSS and JS in order to reduce the unwanted Http requests.

WP-Optimize WordPress Caching Plugins


If you want to keep your website fast then you should cache your pages. Furthermore, you can compress images as well as clean and optimize the database to improve load time.

The database stores necessary data as well as unwanted data. Spaces can be recovered by cleaning the tables and deleting these data. A routine cleanup without the need of any manual process is helpful to perform the optimization. Deleting old post revisions and cleaning spam comments from the database speeds the site. You can perform shrinking to remove unwanted spaces with the help of reports. The caching of the pages and image compression boosts the performance of the website.



The minification and caching of different scripts and styles in addition to its aggregation is done by Autoptimize. If you look into the default settings, it injects CSS in the page head. However, you can defer aggregated CSS and inline critical CSS.

In order to prevent rendering, you can move and defer scripts to the footer. There is an option to optimize Google fonts and lazy-load images for better performance. If you have non-aggregated Javascript, then you can async it to improve page load time. Also, there is an availability of extensive API.

WordPress Caching Plugins – WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache

Once a static Html file is available then the server will replace that file in order to improve page load time. There are different modes like Expert, Simple and WP-Cache to implement caching of files.

The plugin recommends not to cache files to known users. You can implement compression in pages and CDN for faster page load time. There is a provision of garbage collection if the files are out of date and stale. As the name suggests, the preload mode is useful for multiple posts.

It supports custom caching with the add_cachefunction() function. If things do not give the desired output, you can troubleshoot.

Cache Enabler

Cache Enabler

It allows you to cache files with a minimum time to setup. After the creation of static HTML files, they are stored in the server. Other than the plain HTML, you can also create a gzipped compression file. Since the files will be pre-compressed so the static delivery of the files will improve page load time.

In addition, you can deliver WebP images without breaking any images, not in this format. This means it falls back to the JPG or PNG format if there is no WebP equivalent image.

Depending on the purpose, you can clear the cache of all pages, objects or any particular URL.



If you have tested page speed of your site, then Hummingbird helps you solve different issues. The hummingbird cache suit helps to optimize the browser caching. You can minify the CSS or Javascript according to the need of your site.

If you want to eliminate render-blocking resources, then you can manage critical CSS and JS to inline. If you defer unused CSS or non-critical JSS then it helps as well. Furthermore, lazyload speeds your page.

Before you perform optimization, you can scan the site to make the necessary improvements.

Caching Plugins for WordPress – SG Optimizer

SG Optimizer

This is developed by Siteground to improve the site performance if you are hosting with them. At first, you need to enable cache settings from the cPanel before using this plugin. Later you can choose whether or not to enable automatic cache purge.

In the environment optimization tab, it enables switching between PHP versions. Furthermore, you can also enable or disable Gzip compression and add a set of rules for browser caching. From the frontend optimization tab, it supports the minification of HTML, CSS, and JS. Besides this, you can remove Emoji support and query strings.

Lazy loading helps to improve page load time. In addition, you can also optimize a group of your images at once.

Fast Velocity Minify

Fast Velocity Minify

There are a number of HTTP requests while you run page speed test tools. You can reduce those requests by merging CSS and Javascript files. They are merged into a group of files so that there is only a need for a minimum number of files.

Once the minification is processed, the CSS and JavaScript files will be available from the location. There are different choices for advanced users to improve their site. If you face errors while using the plugin, the FAQ section will be helpful to solve the issues.

In addition, you can purge cache and check stats with the help of WP CLI support.

Wrapping Up

Have you used any of these plugins? If you have any suggestions regarding the caching plugins for WordPress, you can express your views in the comments below.

Additional Readings

Amar Raj Mahato

Amar Raj Mahato is a Digital Marketer who is currently working as a content creator and SEO specialist in

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